
Student Resources

The Career Studio is the place to prepare and search for jobs and internships that are the perfect fit for you. Explore our calendar of events to find ways to build up your resume and personal brand.

Find Your Career Path

employer reviewing students resume

Understanding yourself is the first step to identifying an appropriate career. It is important to explore a professional path that aligns with your interests, skills, values and personality. UHart’s Office of Career and Professional Development can help you explore your interests and relate them to potential professions and career paths. Our Career Peer Mentors are ready to help you with:

  • Resumes
  • Cover Letters
  • General Questions
  • Career Affinity Resources

Looking to spruce up your professional documents? You can submit your resume and/or cover letter to our team for review! Simply email or schedule an appointment through Compass, and we will provide you with feedback that will make your documents appear personalized, polished, and professional.

Our top 5 rEsumE tips
  1. Limit your resume to only one page. Use a laser font such as Times New Roman or Arial in size 10-12 point. 
  2. Tailor your resume to the kind of job(s) you are seeking. Your resume should be adapted to reflect the differences between employers and their requirements. 
  3. The qualifications listed in your resume should match those listed in the job description of the position for which you are applying. Use keywords found in the job description within your résumé.
  4. Get to the point early. Lead with your most important information.
  5. Don't list salary or salary requirements, include references, use personal pronouns (I, me, my, you), include personal descriptions (ethnicity, age, gender, marital status, or photos), or exaggerate the truth about your experience or GPA.
Traditional Sections
  • Heading/Contact Information: This section should include your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Use an e-mail address that is professional and simple, for example: You may wish to include both your campus and home address, especially for summer jobs and internships close to home.
  • Objective: If you choose to include an objective, it should consist of two sections. The first presents your value to the employer. Why should they be interested in you? The second indicates what type of position you are looking for. Be specific if applying for a certain position. For a job fair it is okay to be more broad with the types of positions or simply highlight a specific industry.
  • Education: List any schools from which you have received a degree. If you are still seeking a degree, then list the school and your anticipated graduation date. Your current school should be listed first.
  • Experience: List your work experience in reverse chronological order – most recent first. For each position, list your employer’s name, city and state. Tab over and indicate the dates of employment to the right, and on the next line write your job title.
    • Include clear and specific bullets or accomplishment state-ments of your responsibilities. Describe the skills you used, what you did, and the results. Start with the most responsible job duty and work down to the more routine part of your job. Begin each sentence with an action verb.
Other Categories to Consider
  • Honors: Include honor societies or special awards for academic achievement.
  • Relevant Courses: List courses by correct title (as listed in the course catalog) which pertain to the position for which you are applying. Leave out introductory courses. Utilize this section only if space permits.
  • Language Skills: Include only if skill is intermediate or fluent.
  • Related Experience: Highlight an internship, co-op or volunteer experience in your chosen field. The title of this section may change based upon your field. For example, if you are an accounting major, it would be entitled “Accounting Experience”. This section should be separate from your overall Work History, as it is specific to your field of study.
  • Volunteer Activities/Experience: This is an important section – it can highlight transferable skills directly related to the position you are seeking.
Our top 5 cover letter tips
  1. Limit your cover letter to only one page. Use a laser font such as Times New Roman or Arial in size 10-12 point. This should match your résumé.
  2. Highlight your skills according to the employer's needs and describe the positive qualities that you possess.
  3. Employers look at your cover letter as an example of your writing skills. Be sure to proofread for spelling and grammatical errors. 
  4. Only include salary requirements if it is requested.
  5. Carefully read how the employer would like you to apply and follow directions. 
Section 1: Introduction
  • Formal correspondence should start with Dear Mr. or Mrs. Lastname. If you know someone is a doctor or attorney, you may replace Mr./Mrs. with Dr. or Attorney. If you do not have access to a specific name, Dear Hiring Manager is acceptable. 
  • Describe why you have chosen this employer. What position are you applying for? How did you find out about the position? Why are you interested in this specific company?
Section 2: Body
  • Highlight how your skills meet the employer's needs and provide examples.
  • Look at the internship/job positing. What skills does the employer want?
Section 3: Closing
  • Reiterate your interest in the position and company.
  • Indicate that you would like to meet the employer. 
  • Thank the employer and list your contact information. 
  • Conclude the e-mail with Sincerely or Respectfully. Sign your name (if hard copy) or type your full name. 
Additional Resources
Why Use LinkedIn?

Your LinkedIn profile is your online professional presence. It serves as an online résumé, in which you have expanded space to discuss and describe more about your work and leadership experiences. Furthermore, LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool. Once your profile is established, you can use LinkedIn to “meet” people in your field, University of Hartford alumni, and stay in touch with past professional contacts.

LinkedIn also provides easy access to articles and thought-leaders in your field of interest. You can use the LinkedIn news feed to help you stay connected to current events in your field, stay up to date on what is happening at a specific company, and learn from important leaders in your area of study.

LinkedIn Resources
Notes on Your Online Presence
  • Google yourself to find out what's out on the web about you.
  • Be aware that perspective employers may search for you through the web and social media. This might be the first impression that you make.
  • Assume that everything you post is permanent. 
Networking Resources

Want to talk to a mentor? Complete the Advisees Form or email to request a 30-minute Alumni Career Consultant call.

*Resume, cover letter, and/or LinkedIn page must be pre-checked by the Career Studio in GSU before being matched with an alum.

Career-related experiences like internships, research, special projects, and participation in clubs and organizations are a great way to expand your knowledge and skills, get relevant work experience, and learn about your work preferences.

  • Career Rookie connects students and recent graduates seeking internships, part-time jobs and entry-level positions with the nation's top employer

  • is one of the best sources of non-profit career opportunities and internships available

  • Urban Employ offers employment listings to attract highly-qualified, diverse entry and mid-level talent.  The focus is both on jobs and internships

  • Indeed has access to a wide variety of jobs and internships

  • CreativelyDiscover jobs and internships for creative's

UHart Commencement Cap

Our Hawks Get Hired.

At the University of Hartford, we instill the knowledge, experience, and confidence that prepares our graduates for greatness. Hands-on learning bridges the gap from the classroom to the real world, setting you up for long-term career success.

Career Affinity Resources


The following are LGBTQ+ resources that may be of help:

Nelson Wyatt

MBA, ‘22, M’24,

Nelson Wyatt ‘22, M’24 will begin his role in the Underwriting Leadership Development Program at CVS Health! Nelson began his educational journey at the Barney School of Business by receiving his bachelor’s degree in business management in 2022. He is now back at Barney as an MBA student with a concentration in project management.

Here's a piece of advice to help you be more prepared: Master the art of time management. The ability to efficiently allocate your time can be the difference between achieving your goals and looking back with regrets. Recognize that, especially at this stage, time is your most valuable asset. Be mindful not to squander it, and you'll find yourself accomplishing more than you ever thought possible.

Additional Resources

Students interested in working during the academic year may have the option to apply for Federal Work-Study:

Federal Work-Study:
Jobs are available to students who are qualified based on the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The program is financed with federal money and is administered by the University's Office of Student Financial Assistance.

Eligibility for financial aid is determined by the University of Hartford's Office of Student Financial Assistance. If you qualify for Federal Work-Study, it will be listed in your financial aid award, which can be viewed in your self-service account. Your total FWS amount is specified here as well. You may not earn more through this program than your award specifies. You are paid an hourly rate and receive a paycheck every two weeks. Schedules and work responsibilities are discussed with the immediate supervisor. All FSW students may work a maximum of 20 hours per week during the academic year.

All work-study jobs will be posted on Handshake, our career portal, by the end of August. Check your financial aid packet to see if you qualify for Federal Work Study.  If you have an amount listed for Federal Work Study, search for "Federal Work Study" job postings on Handshake.


International students in F-1 and J-1 immigration status are authorized to work on campus (excluding work-study positions) for a maximum of 20 hours per week during fall and spring semesters (and up to 40 hours per week during summer, spring, and winter break). Students in other immigration categories, may be eligible to work if they have US employment authorization.

Once you obtain employment on-campus, you will need a Social Security Number if you don’t already have one. You will need to work with the International Center to prepare the necessary paperwork to submit to the Social Security Office. Additionally, J-1 students will need to request permission from the International Center prior to starting any employment. 


Before accepting an off-campus internship, job, or any payment for services, you will need to be certain your F-1 or J-1 immigration status allows you to begin.  Working off-campus work without prior authorization is illegal.  You must work with the International Center to ensure you maintain your legal status.   

Keep in off-campus work permission is rather limited for F-1/J-1 students and certain employment authorizations can often take months to be approved.  

The most common types of student work permission are for practical training related to your major/degree:

  • F-1 Curricular Practical Training (CPT): authorization for an internship or placement that is a necessary part of your academic program
  • F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT): to gain practical experience in your major field of study, not required by your academic program
  • F-1 STEM Extension of OPT: an extension of Optional Practical Training, available only if your major field is on a designated list of specialized majors in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and if you are training a qualified employer
  • J-1 Academic Training (AT): to gain practical experience in your major field of study

If you are interested in off-campus employment, please contact the International Center to discuss your eligibility.  Employment related questions can be sent to

Can’t make it in to see us? Explore these additional career resources:

Negotiation and Salary

When an employer makes you an offer, it may be appropriate to negotiate your salary. Negotiating salaries is challenging, and can be risky. As with answering the desired salary question, it is important to be knowledgeable about the market and your field before you begin negotiating. To get started, here are some helpful resources:

Personal Statements

Handshake Resource Links

UHart Partners

  • Hartford Young Professionals and Entrepreneurs (HYPE) helps young professionals to better understand and utilize the assets in the area. Visit their webpage to learn more.

  • Throughout the summer, The Ana Educational Foundation featured web series episodes with CMOs and agency leaders. These special “Career Conversations” offered advice on how to survive and thrive through these tough times. If you weren’t able to attend a particular session, don’t worry – everything has been recorded and archived on their site for full access.

  • Glassdoor has a job search hub with the latest in-demand jobs.

  • Industry and/or geographic job boards:

Helpful Tips and Tricks